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English Tongue Twisters tongue twisters(СКОРОГОВОРКИ)

English Tongue Twisters tongue twisters(СКОРОГОВОРКИ)

English Tongue Twisters

tongue twister


| 1 |

| |

| Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. |

| A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. |

| If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, |

| Where\'s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? |

| |



| 2 |

| |


| |

| programming language PL/I by Bruce Walker |



| 3 |

| |

| I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. |

| Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits. |

| |



| 4 |

| |

| How many boards |

| Could the Mongols hoard |

| If the Mongol hoards got bored? |

| |

| from the comic Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Waterson |



| 5 |

| |

| How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? |

| |



| 6 |

| |

| Send toast to ten tense stout saints\' ten tall tents. |

| |

| by Raymond Weisling |



| 7 |

| |

| Denise sees the fleece, |

| Denise sees the fleas. |

| At least Denise could sneeze |

| and feed and freeze the fleas. |

| |



| 8 |

| |

| Coy knows pseudonoise codes. |

| |

| by Pierre Abbat |



| 9 |

| |

| Sheena leads, Sheila needs. |

| |



| 10 |

| |

| The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne |

| throughout Thursday. |

| |



| 11 |

| |

| Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles |

| thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the |

| thug - although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand |

| thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the |

| thirty year old thug thought of that morning. |

| |

| by Meaghan Desbiens |



| 12 |

| |

| Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? |

| |



| 13 |

| |

| Seth at Sainsbury\'s sells thick socks. |

| |



| 14 |

| |

| You cuss, I cuss, we all cuss, for asparagus! |

| |

| From a Far Side cartoon by Gary Larson |



| 15 |

| |

| Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins. |

| |



| 16 |

| |

| Clean clams crammed in clean cans. |

| |



| 17 |

| |

| Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks. |

| |



| 18 |

| |

| I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the |

| witch wishes, I won\'t wish the wish you wish to wish. |

| |



| 19 |

| |

| Stupid superstition! |

| |



| 20 |

| |

| There was a fisherman named Fisher |

| who fished for some fish in a fissure. |

| Till a fish with a grin, |

| pulled the fisherman in. |

| Now they\'re fishing the fissure for Fisher. |

| |



| 21 |

| |

| World Wide Web |

| |



| 22 |

| |

| To sit in solemn silence in a dull dark dock |

| In a pestilential prison with a life long lock |

| Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock |

| From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block. |

| |

| by W.S. Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan from The Mikado |



| 23 |

| |

| Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, \'tis the peanut-butter |

| picky people pick. |

| |

| from a commercial |



| 24 |

| |

| If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? |

| |



| 25 |

| |

| Luke\'s duck likes lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke\'s duck licks |

| lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck takes |

| licks in lakes duck likes. |

| |

| from Dr. Seuss\' Fox in Socks |



| 26 |

| |

| Seventy seven benevolent elephants |

| |

| harder than it seems |



| 27 |

| |

| There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three |

| thieves go through. |

| |



| 28 |

| |

| Santa\'s Short Suit Shrunk |

| |

| name of a children\'s book |



| 29 |

| |

| I was born on a pirate ship |

| |

| Hold your tounge while saying it. |



| 30 |

| |

| I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream! |

| |



| 31 |

| |

| Wayne went to Wales to watch walruses. |

| |



| 32 |

| |

| In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen. |

| |

| From the film \"\"My Fair Lady\"\" |



| 33 |

| |

| One-one was a race horse. |

| Two-two was one too. |

| One-one won one race. |

| Two-two won one too. |

| |



| 34 |

| |

| Eleven benevolent elephants |

| |



| 35 |

| |

| Celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, ... |

| |



| 36 |

| |

| Willy\'s real rear wheel |

| |

| David Bowser in Harrisburg, PA |



| 37 |

| |

| If Pickford\'s packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of |

| crisps that Pickford\'s packers packed survive for two and a half |

| years? |

| |

| from Naomi Fletcher\'s real life |



| 38 |

| |

| Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards |

| |



| 39 |

| |

| Gobbling gorgoyles gobbled gobbling goblins. |

| |



| 40 |

| |

| Did Dick Pickens prick his pinkie pickling cheap cling peaches in an |

| inch of Pinch or framing his famed French finch photos? |

| |



| 41 |

| |

| Pirates Private Property |

| |



| 42 |

| |

| What a terrible tongue twister, |

| what a terrible tongue twister, |

| what a terrible tongue twister... |

| |



| 43 |

| |

| When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you |

| write. ... |

| continued here |

| |



| 44 |

| |

| A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! |

| |

| by Kitty Morrow |



| 45 |

| |

| Elizabeth\'s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. |

| |



| 46 |

| |

| Ann and Andy\'s anniversary is in April. |

| |



| 47 |

| |

| Flash message! |

| |



| 48 |

| |

| Frogfeet, flippers, swimfins. |

| |



| 49 |

| |

| Hassock hassock, black spotted hassock. Black spot on a black back of |

| a black spotted hassock. |

| |



| 50 |

| |

| How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook |

| cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who |

| could cook cookies. |

| |



| 51 |

| |

| How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog |

| ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a |

| groundhog could hog ground. |

| |



| 52 |

| |

| How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot. |

| |



| 53 |

| |

| How much wood could Chuck Woods\' woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods\' |

| woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods\' woodchuck could |

| and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods\' |

| woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods\' woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much |

| as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a |

| woodchuck could and would chuck wood. |

| |



| 54 |

| |

| Mary Mac\'s mother\'s making Mary Mac marry me. |

| My mother\'s making me marry Mary Mac. |

| Will I always be so Merry when Mary\'s taking care of me? |

| Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac? |

| |

| from a song by Carbon Leaf |



| 55 |

| |

| Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and |

| twit an twat, to learn the letter \"\"T\"\". |

| |



| 56 |

| |

| Pete\'s pa pete poked to the pea patch to pick a peck of peas for the |

| poor pink pig in the pine hole pig-pen. |

| |



| 57 |

| |

| She saw Sherif\'s shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw |

| Sherif\'s shoes on the sofa? |

| |



| 58 |

| |

| Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew. |

| While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. |

| Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. |

| Freezy trees made these trees\' cheese freeze. |

| That\'s what made these three free fleas sneeze. |

| |

| from Fox in Sox by Dr. Seuss |



| 59 |

| |

| Two tried and true tridents |

| |



| 60 |

| |

| rudder valve reversals |

| |

| the cause of some plane crashes |



| 61 |

| |

| Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye. |

| If cows could fly I\'d have a cow pie in my eye. |

| |



| 62 |

| |

| How many cans can a cannibal nibble |

| if a cannibal can nibble cans? |

| As many cans as a cannibal can nibble |

| if a cannibal can nibble cans. |

| |



| 63 |

| |

| A twister of twists once twisted a twist; |

| A twist that he twisted was a three-twisted twist; |

| If in twisting a twist one twist should untwist, |

| The untwisted twist would untwist the twist. |

| |



| 64 |

| |

| Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on |

| Thursday. |

| |



| 65 |

| |

| Four furious friends fought for the phone. |

| |



| 66 |

| |

| Plymouth sleuths thwart Luther\'s slithering. |

| |



| 67 |

| |

| Bobby Bippy bought a bat. |

| Bobby Bippy bought a ball. |

| With his bat Bob banged the ball |

| Banged it bump against the wall |

| But so boldly Bobby banged it |

| That he burst his rubber ball |

| \"\"Boo!\"\" cried Bobby |

| Bad luck ball |

| Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball |

| Now to drown his many troubles |

| Bobby Bippy\'s blowing bubbles. |

| |

| from mid-Willamette Valley theater |



| 68 |

| |

| Black background, brown background. |

| |



| 69 |

| |

| Why do you cry, Willy? |

| Why do you cry? |

| Why, Willy? |

| Why, Willy? |

| Why, Willy? Why? |

| |



| 70 |

| |

| Very well, very well, very well ... |

| |



| 71 |

| |

| Tie twine to three tree twigs. |

| |



| 72 |

| |

| Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural |

| brewery. |

| |



| 73 |

| |

| Mares eat oats and does eat oats, |

| and little lambs eat ivy. |

| A Kid will eat ivy too, wouldn\'t you? |

| |



| 74 |

| |

| Three short sword sheaths. |

| |



| 75 |

| |

| Caution: Wide Right Turns |

| |

| Seen on semi-tractor trailers |



| 76 |

| |

| Rolling red wagons |

| |



| 77 |

| |

| Green glass globes glow greenly. |

| |



| 78 |

| |

| Robert Wayne Rutter |

| |

| personal name |



| 79 |

| |

| I stood sadly on the silver steps of Burgess\'s fish sauce shop, |

| mimicking him hiccuping, and wildly welcoming him within. |

| |



| 80 |

| |

| When I was in Arkansas I saw a saw that could outsaw any other saw I |

| ever saw, saw. If you\'ve got a saw that can outsaw the saw I saw saw |

| then I\'d like to see your saw saw. |

| |



| 81 |

| |

| black back bat |

| |



| 82 |

| |

| The queen in green screamed. |

| |



| 83 |

| |

| How many berries could a bare berry carry, |

| if a bare berry could carry berries? |

| Well they can\'t carry berries |

| (which could make you very wary) |

| but a bare berry carried is more scary! |

| |



| 84 |

| |

| What did you have for breakfast? |

| - rubber balls and liquor! |

| What did you have for lunch? |

| - rubber balls and liquor! |

| What did you have for dinner? |

| - rubber balls and liquor! |

| - rubber balls and liquor! |

| |



| 85 |

| |

| Snap Crackel pop, |

| Snap Crackel pop, |

| Snap Crackel pop |

| |



| 86 |

| |

| Six slimy snails sailed silently. |

| |



| 87 |

| |

| I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. |

| |



| 88 |

| |

| Seven slick slimey snakes slowly sliding southward. |

| |



| 89 |

| |

| Red Buick, blue Buick |

| |



| 90 |

| |

| Roofs of mushrooms rarely mush too much. |

| |

| by Matt Duchnowski |



| 91 |

| |

| He threw three balls. |

| |



| 92 |

| |

| The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. |

| |



| 93 |

| |

| Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand. |

| |



| 94 |

| |

| We\'re real rear wheels. |

| |



| 95 |

| |

| Rhys watched Ross switch his Irish wristwatch for a Swiss wristwatch. |

| |



| 96 |

| |

| I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch. |

| |



| 97 |

| |

| Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. |

| |



| 98 |

| |

| On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser. |

| |



| 99 |

| |

| Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle. |

| |



| 100 |

| |

| Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks. |

| |



| 101 |

| |

| How much caramel can a canny canonball cram in a camel if a canny |

| canonball can cram caramel in a camel? |

| |



| 102 |

| |

| He threw three free throws. |

| |



| 103 |

| |

| Fresh French fried fly fritters |

| |



| 104 |

| |

| Gig whip, gig whip, gig whip, ... |

| |



| 105 |

| |

| I was born on a pirate ship. |

| |

| Say it while holding your tongue. |



| 106 |

| |

| 2 Y\'s U R. |

| 2 Y\'s U B. |

| I C U R. |

| 2 Y\'s 4 me! |

| |



| 107 |

| |

| Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike\'s. |

| |



| 108 |

| |

| Eddie edited it. |

| |



| 109 |

| |

| Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. |

| Spread it thick, say it quick! |

| Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. |

| Spread it thicker, say it quicker! |

| Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. |

| Don\'t eat with your mouth full! |

| |



| 110 |

| |

| Wow, race winners really want red wine right away! |

| |



| 111 |

| |

| The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter |

| arrives. |

| |



| 112 |

| |

| I\'ll chew and chew until my jaws drop. |

| |



| 113 |

| |

| Triple Dickle |

| |

| a strong drink |



| 114 |

| |

| How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could |

| slit sheets? |

| |



| 115 |

| |

| Supposed to be pistachio, |

| supposed to be pistachio, |

| supposed to be pistachio. |

| |

| by Diane Estep |



| 116 |

| |

| Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese. |

| |

| from a high school singing class |



| 117 |

| |

| Real rock wall, real rock wall, real rock wall |

| |



| 118 |

| |

| Argyle Gargoyle |

| |



| 119 |

| |

| Peggy Babcock |

| |

| personal name |



| 120 |

| |

| If you\'re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, |

| buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. |

| |



| 121 |

| |

| Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. |

| |



| 122 |

| |

| Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds. |

| |

| by Pierre Abbat |



| 123 |

| |

| Willie\'s really weary. |

| |



| 124 |

| |

| Yally Bally had a jolly golliwog. Feeling folly, Yally Bally Bought |

| his jolly golli\' a dollie made of holly! The golli\', feeling jolly, |

| named the holly dollie, Polly. So Yally Bally\'s jolly golli\'s holly |

| dollie Polly\'s also jolly! |

| |

| by Mistah Twistah, Tony Valuch |



| 125 |

| |

| Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. While the |

| catcher watches the pitcher who pitches the balls. Whether the |

| temperature\'s up or whether the temperature\'s down, the nature |

| watcher, the catcher and the pitcher are always around. The pitcher |

| pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher watches. So whether the |

| temperature\'s rises or whether the temperature falls the nature |

| watcher just watches the catcher who\'s watching the pitcher who\'s |

| watching the balls. |

| |

| by Sharon Johnson |



| 126 |

| |

| Tommy Tucker tried to tie Tammy\'s Turtles tie. |

| |



| 127 |

| |

| John, where Peter had had \"\"had had\"\", had had \"\"had\"\"; |

| \"\"had had\"\" had had his master\'s approval. |

| |



| 128 |

| |

| Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively. |

| |



| 129 |

| |

| Pail of ale aiding ailing Al\'s travails. |

| |

| from India |



| 130 |

| |

| Double bubble gum, bubbles double. |

| |



| 131 |

| |

| If you can\'t can any candy can, |

| how many candy cans can a candy canner can |

| if he can can candy cans ? |

| |



| 132 |

| |

| Octopus ocular optics. |

| and |

| A cat snaps a rat\'s paxwax. |

| |

| by Pierre Abbat |



| 133 |

| |

| This is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly. |

| |



| 134 |

| |

| Salty broccoli, salty broccoli, salty broccoli .... |

| |



| 135 |

| |

| I saw Esau kissing Kate. |

| I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau. |

| |



| 136 |

| |

| A slimey snake slithered down the sandy sahara. |

| |



| 137 |

| |

| Suzie Seaword\'s fish-sauce shop sells unsifted thistles for |

| thistle-sifters to sift. |

| |



| 138 |

| |

| I eat eel while you peel eel |

| |



| 139 |

| |

| Nothing is worth thousands of deaths. |

| |



| 140 |

| |

| Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia. |

| |



| 141 |

| |

| East Fife Four, Forfar Five |

| |

| An actual football result from the Scottish third division |



| 142 |

| |

| Roy Wayne |

| Roy Rogers |

| Roy Rash |

| |

| personal names |



| 143 |

| |

| Wunwun was a racehorse, Tutu was one too. Wunwun won one race, Tutu |

| won one too. |

| |



| 144 |

| |

| It\'s not the cough that carries you off, |

| it\'s the coffin they carry you off in! |

| |



| 145 |

| |

| She said she should sit. |

| |



| 146 |

| |

| Mo mi mo me send me a toe, |

| Me me mo mi get me a mole, |

| Mo mi mo me send me a toe, |

| Fe me mo mi get me a mole, |

| Mister kister feet so sweet, |

| Mister kister where will I eat !? |

| |



| 147 |

| |

| Will you, William? Will you, William? Will you, William? |

| Can\'t you, don\'t you, won\'t you, William? |

| |



| 148 |

| |

| I wish you were a fish in my dish |

| |



| 149 |

| |

| She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping, and |

| amicably welcoming him in. |

| |

| An actor\'s vocal warmup for lips and tongue. |



| 150 |

| |

| The big black bug bit the big black bear, |

| but the big black bear bit the big black bug back! |

| |



| 151 |

| |

| Dust is a disk\'s worst enemy. |

| |



| 152 |

| |

| I see a sea down by the seashore. |

| But which sea do you see down by the seashore? |

| |



| 153 |

| |

| She said she should sit! |

| |



| 154 |

| |

| Old Mr. Hunt |

| had a cuddy punt |

| Not a cuddy punt |

| but a hunt punt cuddy. |

| |



| 155 |

| |

| As one black bug, bled blue, black blood. The other black bug bled |

| blue. |

| |



| 156 |

| |

| Mommy made me eat my M&Ms. |

| |



| 157 |

| |

| I\'m not the fig plucker, |

| Nor the fig plucker\'s son, |

| but I\'ll pluck your figs |

| till the fig plucker comes. |

| |



| 158 |

| |

| A gazillion gigantic grapes gushed |

| gradually giving gophers gooey guts. |

| |



| 159 |

| |

| Aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum |

| |



| 160 |

| |

| Thin grippy thick slippery. |

| |



| 161 |

| |

| There once was a two toed, she toad, tree toad, |

| and a three toed, he toad, tree toad.... |

| |



| 162 |

| |

| The sixth sick sheik\'s sixth sheep\'s sick |

| |



| 163 |

| |

| The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside |

| outside his inside inn. |

| |



| 164 |

| |

| If you notice this notice, |

| you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. |

| |



| 165 |

| |

| If you understand, say \"\"understand\"\". |

| If you don\'t understand, say \"\"don\'t understand\"\". |

| But if you understand and say \"\"don\'t understand\"\". |

| how do I understand that you understand. Understand!? |

| |



| 166 |

| |

| She sees cheese. |

| |



| 167 |

| |

| Brent Spence Bridge |

| Clay Wade Bailey Bridge |

| |

| places in Ohio |



| 168 |

| |

| Chukotko-Kamchatkan |

| |

| pertaining to the Siberian people living in Kamchatka |



| 169 |

| |

| There those thousand thinkers were thinking |

| where did those other three thieves go through. |

| |



| 170 |

| |

| Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes. |

| |



| 171 |

| |

| One smart fellow, he felt smart. |

| Two smart fellows, they felt smart. |

| Three smart fellows, they felt smart. |

| Four smart fellows, they felt smart. |

| Five smart fellows, they felt smart. |

| Six smart fellows, they felt smart. |

| |



| 172 |

| |

| Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to |

| seasick sailors. |

| |



| 173 |

| |

| I would if I could! But I can\'t, so I won\'t! |

| |



| 174 |

| |

| But a harder thing still to do. |

| |

| What a to do to die today |

| At a quarter or two to two. |

| A terrible difficult thing to say |

| But a harder thing still to do. |

| The dragon will come at the beat of the drum |

| With a rat-a-tat-tat a-tat-tat a-tat-to |

| At a quarter or two to two today, |

| At a quarter or two to two. |

| |

| From a college drama class |



| 175 |

| |

| Love\'s a feeling you feel when you feel |

| you\'re going to feel the feeling you\'ve never felt before. |

| |



| 176 |

| |

| Silly sheep weep and sleep. |

| |



| 177 |

| |

| Truly rural, truly rural, truly rural, ... |

| |



| 178 |

| |

| A turbot\'s not a burbot, for a turbot\'s a butt, but a burbot\'s not. |

| |



| 179 |

| |

| I know a boy named Tate |

| who dined with his girl at eight eight. |

| I\'m unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight |

| or what Tate\'s tete `a tete ate at eight eight. |

| |



| 180 |

| |

| I saw a saw in Arkansas, |

| that would outsaw any saw I ever saw, |

| and if you got a saw |

| that will outsaw the saw I saw in Arkansas |

| let me see your saw. |

| |



| 181 |

| |

| The seething sea ceaseth; thus the seething sea sufficeth us. |

| |



| 182 |

| |

| Real weird rear wheels |

| |

| by Michael Dworkin and Bill Harvey |



| 183 |

| |

| I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon a slitted sheet I sit. |

| |



| 184 |

| |

| A pessimistic pest exists amidst us. |

| |



| 185 |

| |

| Knife and a fork bottle and a cork |

| that is the way you spell New York. |

| |

| Chicken in the car and the car can go, |

| that is the way you spell Chicago. |

| |



| 186 |

| |

| Five fuzzy French frogs Frolicked through the fields in France. |

| |



| 187 |

| |

| Two to two to Toulouse? |

| |



| 188 |

| |

| Swatch watch |

| |



| 189 |

| |

| Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, after great consideration, came to the |

| conclusion that the Indian nation beyond the Indian Ocean is back in |

| education because the chief occupation is cultivation. |

| |



| 190 |

| |

| Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran. |

| |



| 191 |

| |

| Buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood |

| |



| 192 |

| |

| I\'m a sock cutter and I cut socks. |

| I\'m a sock cutter and I cut socks. |

| I\'m a sock cutter and I cut socks. |

| |



| 193 |

| |

| If coloured caterpillars could change their colours constantly could |

| they keep their coloured coat coloured properly? |

| |



| 194 |

| |

| We won, we won, we won, we won, ... |

| |



| 195 |

| |

| Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth |

| birthday. |

| |

| by Julia Dicum |



| 196 |

| |

| How much ground could a grounghog grind if a groundhog could grind |

| ground? |

| |



| 197 |

| |

| How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws? |

| |

| by Jillian Goetz |



| 198 |

| |

| As he gobbled the cakes on his plate, |

| the greedy ape said as he ate, |

| the greener green grapes are, |

| the keener keen apes are |

| to gobble green grape cakes, |

| they\'re great! |

| |

| from Dr. Seuss\'s O Say Can You Say? |



| 199 |

| |

| How much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could |

| hurdle myrtle? |

| A wood turtle would hurdle as much myrtle as a wood turtle could |

| hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle. |

| |



| 200 |

| |

| Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. |

| |



| 201 |

| |

| Rattle your bottles in Rollocks\' van. |

| |



| 202 |

| |

| A fly and flea flew into a flue, |

| said the fly to the flea \'what shall we do?\' |

| \'let us fly\' said the flea |

| said the fly \'shall we flee\' |

| so they flew through a flaw in the flue. |

| |



| 203 |

| |

| How much dew does a dewdrop drop |

| If dewdrops do drop dew? |

| They do drop, they do |

| As do dewdrops drop |

| If dewdrops do drop dew. |

| |



| 204 |

| |

| If Kantie can tie a tie and untie a tie, |

| why can\'t I tie a tie and untie a tie like Kantie can. |

| |



| 205 |

| |

| Bake big batches of bitter brown bread. |

| |



| 206 |

| |

| But she as far surpasseth Sycorax, |

| As great\'st does least. |

| |

| Caliban describing Miranda\'s beauty in \"\"The Tempest\"\", by William |

| Shakespeare |



| 207 |

| |

| Bake big batches of brown blueberry bread. |

| |



| 208 |

| |

| She sits in her slip and sips Schlitz. |

| |



| 209 |

| |

| Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch? |

| |



| 210 |

| |

| Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter. |

| |



| 211 |

| |

| Mummies make money. |

| |



| 212 |

| |

| Crush grapes, grapes crush, crush grapes. |

| |



| 213 |

| |

| An elephant was asphyxiated in the asphalt. |

| |



| 214 |

| |

| A black bloke\'s back brake-block broke. |

| |



| 215 |

| |

| This is a zither. |

| |



| 216 |

| |

| Fresh fried fish, |

| Fish fresh fried, |

| Fried fish fresh, |

| Fish fried fresh. |

| |



| 217 |

| |

| There was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan. |

| |



| 218 |

| |

| Really leery, rarely Larry. |

| |



| 219 |

| |

| Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue |

| blood. |

| |



| 220 |

| |

| Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree. |

| |



| 221 |

| |

| Her whole right hand really hurts. |

| |

| difficult in Brazil |



| 222 |

| |

| Come, come, |

| Stay calm, stay calm, |

| No need for alarm, |

| It only hums, |

| It doesn\'t harm. |

| |



| 223 |

| |

| Tie a knot, tie a knot. |

| Tie a tight, tight knot. |

| Tie a knot in the shape of a nought. |

| |



| 224 |

| |

| Red blood, green blood |

| |



| 225 |

| |

| I\'m a sheet slitter. |

| I slit sheets. |

| I\'m the sleekest sheet slitter |

| that ever slit sheets. |

| |



| 226 |

| |

| Round the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran. |

| |



| 227 |

| |

| Busy buzzing bumble bees. |

| |



| 228 |

| |

| A lump of red leather, a red leather lump |

| |



| 229 |

| |

| Nat the bat swat at Matt the gnat. |

| |



| 230 |

| |

| I shot the city sheriff. |

| I shot the city sheriff. |

| I shot the city sheriff. |

| |

| |



| 231 |

| |

| A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street. |

| \"\"Are you copper-bottoming them, my man?\"\" |

| \"\"No, I\'m aluminiuming \'em, Mum\"\" |

| |



| 232 |

| |

| I am not a pheasant plucker, |

| I\'m a pheasant plucker\'s son |

| but I\'ll be plucking pheasants |

| When the pheasant plucker\'s gone. |

| |



| 233 |

| |

| Suzie, Suzie, working in a shoeshine shop. |

| All day long she sits and shines, |

| all day long she shines and sits, |

| and sits and shines, and shines and sits, |

| and sits and shines, and shines and sits. |

| Suzie, Suzie, working in a shoeshine shop. |

| |

| Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor\'s shop. |

| All day long he fits and tucks, |

| all day long he tucks and fits, |

| and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits, |

| and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits. |

| Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor\'s shop. |

| |

| sung by Ian Mackintosh |



| 234 |

| |

| Preshrunk silk shirts. |

| |



| 235 |

| |

| Craig Quinn\'s quick trip to Crabtree Creek. |

| |



| 236 |

| |

| Six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities. |

| |



| 237 |

| |

| While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash |

| Washington\'s windows with warm washing water. |

| |



| 238 |

| |

| A big black bear sat on a big black bug. |

| |



| 239 |

| |

| A bloke\'s bike back brake block broke. |

| |



| 240 |

| |

| Sweet sagacious Sally Sanders said she sure saw seven segregated |

| seaplanes sailing swiftly southward Saturday. |

| |



| 241 |

| |

| Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butter\'s bitter. If I |

| put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter. So, she bought some |

| better butter, better than the bitter butter and she put it in her |

| batter and her batter was not bitter. So \'twas good that Betty Botter |

| bought some better butter. |

| |



| 242 |

| |

| How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? |

| |



| 243 |

| |

| Good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood. |

| |



| 244 |

| |

| No nose knows like a gnome\'s nose knows. |

| |

| by the Hofman family |



| 245 |

| |

| Freshly fried fresh flesh |

| |



| 246 |

| |

| There are two minutes difference from four to two to two to two, from |

| two to two to two, too. |

| |



| 247 |

| |

| There once was a man who had a sister, his name was Mr. Fister. Mr. |

| Fister\'s sister sold sea shells by the sea shore. Mr. Fister didn\'t |

| sell sea shells, he sold silk sheets. Mr. Fister told his sister that |

| he sold six silk sheets to six shieks. The sister of Mr. Fister said I |

| sold six shells to six shieks too! |

| |



| 248 |

| |

| Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore. But if Sally sells sea shells |

| by the sea shore then where are the sea shells Sally sells? |

| |



| 249 |

| |

| She stood by Burgess\'s fish sauce shop welcoming him in. |

| |



| 250 |

| |

| Swan swam over the sea. |

| Swim, swan, swim! |

| Swan swam back again. |

| Well swum swan! |

| |



| 251 |

| |

| Sally is a sheet slitter, she slits sheets. |

| |



| 252 |

| |

| She sells sea shells on the sea shore; |

| The shells that she sells are sea shells I\'m sure. |

| So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore, |

| I\'m sure that the shells are sea shore shells. |

| |



| 253 |

| |

| Tie twine to three tree twigs. |

| |



| 254 |

| |

| You know New York. |

| You need New York. |

| You know you need unique New York. |

| |



| 255 |

| |

| What noise annoys an oyster most? |

| A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. |

| |



| 256 |

| |

| Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. |

| |



| 257 |

| |

| Blake\'s black bike\'s back brake bracket block broke. |

| |



| 258 |

| |

| Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs. |

| |



| 259 |

| |

| She slits the sheet she sits on. |

| |



| 260 |

| |

| A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the |

| streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and |

| hiccoughed. |

| |



| 261 |

| |

| A twister of twists once twisted a twist. |

| and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist. |

| now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist, |

| would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists. |

| |



| 262 |

| |

| Red lolly, yellow lolly. |

| |



| 263 |

| |

| I am a mother pheasant plucker, |

| I pluck mother pheasants. |

| I am the best mother pheasant plucker, |

| that ever plucked a mother pheasant! |

| |



| 264 |

| |

| Mrs Hunt had a country cut front |

| in the front of her country cut pettycoat. |

| |



| 265 |

| |

| Knapsack strap. |

| |



| 266 |

| |

| John, where Molly had had \"\"had\"\", had had \"\"had had\"\". \"\"Had had \"\" |

| had had the teachers approval |

| |



| 267 |

| |

| Miss Smith\'s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. |

| |



| 268 |

| |

| Great gray goats |

| |



| 269 |

| |

| Whether the weather be fine |

| or whether the weather be not. |

| Whether the weather be cold |

| or whether the weather be hot. |

| We\'ll weather the weather |

| whether we like it or not. |

| |



| 270 |

| |

| Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city, ... |

| |



| 271 |

| |

| The batter with the butter is the batter that is better! |

| |



| 272 |

| |

| There\'s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch. |

| |



| 273 |

| |

| How many yaks could a yak pack pack if a yak pack could pack yaks? |

| |



| 274 |

| |

| Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. |

| |



| 275 |

| |

| If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker |

| it is slick to stick a lock upon your stock |

| or some joker who is slicker |

| is going to trick you of your liquor |

| if you fail to lock your liquor with a lock. |

| |



| 276 |

| |

| Clowns grow glowing crowns. |

| |



| 277 |

| |

| Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager |

| imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? |

| |



| 278 |

| |

| Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers |

| Such skill as sewing shirts |

| Our shy young sister Suzie shows |

| Some soldiers send epistles |

| Say they\'d rather sleep in thistles |

| Than the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Suzie sews. |

| |



| 279 |

| |

| Red leather, yellow leather, ... |

| |



| 280 |

| |

| Announcement at Victoria Station, London: |

| Two to two to Tooting too! |

| |



| 281 |

| |

| Richard\'s wretched ratchet wrench. |

| |



| 282 |

| |

| Rubber baby buggy bumpers. |

| |



| 283 |

| |

| Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter\'s bitter. |

| If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. |

| But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better. |

| So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, |

| put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better. |

| So \'twas better Betty Botter bought some better butter. |

| |



| 284 |

| |

| A box of biscuits, |

| a box of mixed biscuits, |

| and a biscuit mixer. |

| |



| 285 |

| |

| When a doctor doctors a doctor, |

| does the doctor doing the doctoring |

| doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or |

| does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor? |

| |



| 286 |

| |

| What to do to die today at a minute or two to two. A terribly |

| difficult thing to say and a harder thing to do. A dragon will come |

| and beat his drum Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-too at a minute or two to |

| two today. At a minute or two to two. |

| |

| Who is the author? |



| 287 |

| |

| If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which |

| watch? |

| |



| 288 |

| |

| The soldier\'s shoulder surely hurts! |

| |



| 289 |

| |

| She sees seas slapping shores. |

| |



| 290 |

| |

| A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. |

| |

| by Ray Weisling |



| 291 |

| |

| Greek grapes. |

| |



| 292 |

| |

| Mr. See owned a saw and Mr Soar owned a seesaw. |

| Now See\'s saw sawed Soar\'s seesaw before Soar saw See. |

| |



| 293 |

| |

| Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. |

| |



| 294 |

| |

| There was a little witch which switched from Chichester to Ipswich. |

| |



| 295 |

| |

| A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot. |

| |



| 296 |

| |

| Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! |

| |



| 297 |

| |

| Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the succesful thistle-sifter, while |

| sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand |

| thistles through the thick of his thumb. Now, if Theophilus Thadeus |

| Thistledown, the succesful thistle-sifter, thrust three thousand |

| thistles through the thick of his thumb, see that thou, while sifting |

| a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles |

| through the thick of thy thumb. |

| |



| 298 |

| |

| Shoe section, shoe section, shoe section, ... |

| |



| 299 |

| |

| A smart fella, a fella smart. |

| It takes a smart fella to say a fella smart. |

| |



| 300 |

| |

| She is a thistle-sifter. She has a sieve of unsifted thistles and a |

| sieve of sifted thistles and the sieve of unsifted thistles she sifts |

| into the sieve of sifted thistles because she is a thistle-sifter. |

| |



| 301 |

| |

| Admidst the mists and coldest frosts, |

| With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, |

| He thrusts his fists against the posts, |

| And still insists he sees the ghosts. |

| |



| 302 |

| |

| Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, |

| Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, |

| Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn\'t very fuzzy, |

| was he? |

| |



| 303 |

| |

| Blue glue gun, green glue gun. |

| |



| 304 |

| |

| Betty bought some butter, |

| but the butter Betty bought was bitter, |

| so Betty bought some better butter, |

| and the better butter Betty bought |

| was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before! |

| |



| 305 |

| |

| Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, ... |

| |



| 306 |

| |

| Mallory\'s hourly salary. |

| |



| 307 |

| |

| I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, and on that slitted sheet I sit. |

| |



| 308 |

| |

| Don\'t spring on the inner-spring this spring or there will be an |

| offspring next spring. |

| |



| 309 |

| |

| A flea and a fly in a flue, |

| were imprisoned. So what could they do? |

| Said the fly, \"\"Let us flee\"\". |

| Said the flea, \"\"Let us fly\"\". |

| So they flew through a flaw in the flue. |

| |



| 310 |

| |

| King Thistle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb. |

| A thousand thistles King Thistle stuck in the thistle of his thumb. |

| If King Thistle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb, |

| How many thistles did King Thistle stick in the thistle of his thumb? |

| |



| 311 |

| |

| Five fat friars frying flat fish. |

| |



| 312 |

| |

| The bottle of perfume that Willy sent |

| was highly displeasing to Millicent. |

| Her thanks were so cold |

| that they quarreled, I\'m told |

| o\'er that silly scent Willy sent Millicent |

| |



| 313 |

| |

| Esau Wood sawed wood. All the wood Esau Wood saw, Esau Wood would saw. |

| All the wood Wood saw, Esau sought to saw. One day Esau Wood\'s |

| wood-saw would saw no wood. So Esau Wood sought a new wood-saw. The |

| new wood-saw would saw wood. Oh, the wood Esau Wood would saw. Esau |

| sought a saw that would saw wood as no other wood-saw would saw. And |

| Esau found a saw that would saw as no other wood-saw would saw. And |

| Esau Wood sawed wood. |

| |



| 314 |

| |

| Betty bought some bitter butter |

| and it made her batter bitter, |

| so Betty bought some better butter |

| to make her bitter batter better. |

| |



| 315 |

| |

| A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, |

| but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. |

| |



| 316 |

| |

| I\'m not the fig plucker, |

| nor the fig pluckers\' son, |

| but I\'ll pluck figs |

| Till the fig plucker comes. |

| |



| 317 |

| |

| Extinct insects\' instincts, extant insects\' instincts. |

| |

| by Pierre Abbat |



| 318 |

| |

| The sixth sheik\'s sixth sheep \'s sick. |

| |



| 319 |

| |

| Sweater weather, leather weather. |

| |



| 320 |

| |

| One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled |

| blue. |

| |



| 321 |

| |

| The big black bug\'s blood ran blue. |

| |



| 322 |

| |

| I am not the pheasant plucker, |

| I\'m the pheasant plucker\'s mate. |

| I am only plucking pheasants |

| \'cause the pheasant plucker\'s running late. |

| |



| 323 |

| |

| Ed Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not. So it is better to be Shott |

| than Nott. Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott. |

| Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot, or Nott was shot. If |

| the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot. But if the shot Shott |

| shot shot Shott, the shot was Shott, not Nott. However, the shot Shott |

| shot shot not Shott - but Nott. So, Ed Nott was shot and that\'s hot! |

| Is it not? |

| |



| 324 |

| |

| We will learn why her lowly lone, worn yarn loom will rarely earn |

| immoral money. |

| |

| by Ray Weisling |



| 325 |

| |

| Unique New York, unique New York, unique New York, ... |

| |



| 326 |

| |

| If Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer..... |

| |

| Here\'s an easy game to play. |

| Here\'s an easy thing to say: |

| |

| If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, |

| And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort, |

| And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort, |

| Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report! |

| |

| If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash, |

| And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash, |

| And your data is corrupted \'cause the index doesn\'t hash, |

| then your situation\'s hopeless, and your system\'s gonna crash! |

| |

| You can\'t say this? What a shame, sir! |

| We\'ll find you another game, sir. |

| |

| If the label on the cable on the table at your house, |

| Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse, |

| But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol, |

| That\'s repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall, |

| And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss, |

| So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse, |

| Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang, |

| \'Cause as sure as I\'m a poet, the sucker\'s gonna hang! |

| |

| When the copy of your floppy\'s getting sloppy on the disk, |

| And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risk, |

| Then you have to flash your memory and you\'ll want to ram your rom. |

| Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom! |

| |

| from the Unix fortune database, attributed to |

| DementDJ@ccip.perkin-elmer.com in the rec.humor.funny newsgroup |



| 327 |

| |

| Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. |

| Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut picky people pick. |

| |



| 328 |

| |

| Ray Rag ran across a rough road. |

| Across a rough road Ray Rag ran. |

| Where is the rough road Ray Rag ran across? |

| |



| 329 |

| |

| Elmer Arnold |

| |

| personal name |



| 330 |

| |

| A Tudor who tooted the flute |

| tried to tutor two tooters to toot. |

| Said the two to the tutor, |

| \"\"Is it harder to toot or |

| to tutor two tooters to toot?\"\" |

| |



| 331 |

| |

| Mrs Puggy Wuggy has a square cut punt. |

| Not a punt cut square, |

| Just a square cut punt. |

| It\'s round in the stern and blunt in the front. |

| Mrs Puggy Wuggy has a square cut punt. |

| |



| 332 |

| |

| Tim, the thin twin tinsmith. |

| |



| 333 |

| |

| Thin sticks, thick bricks |

| |



| 334 |

| |

| Red lorry, yellow lorry. |

| |



| 335 |

| |

| A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed |

| blood. |

| |



| 336 |

| |

| How much wood would a woodchuck chuck |

| if a wooodchuck could chuck wood? |

| A woodchuck would chuck all the wood |

| a woodchuck could chuck |

| if a woodchuck could chuck wood. |

| |



| 337 |

| |

| Larry Hurley, a burly squirrel hurler, hurled a furry squirrel through |

| a curly grill. |

| |



| 338 |

| |

| Six twin screwed steel steam cruisers. |

| |



| 339 |

| |

| A nurse anesthetist unearthed a nest. |

| |



| 340 |

| |

| How much sh*t can a sh*t slinger sling |

| If a sh*t slinger could sling sh*t? |

| He\'d sling as much sh*t as a sh*t slinger could |

| If a sh*t slinger could sling sh*t! |

| |



| 341 |

| |

| I thought a thought. |

| But the thought I thought wasn\'t the thought I thought I thought. |

| If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, |

| I wouldn\'t have thought so much. |

| |



| 342 |

| |

| She sells sea shells on the seashore. |

| The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. |

| |



| 343 |

| |

| From the programmer\'s desk: |

| She sells cshs by the C shore. |

| |



| 344 |

| |

| A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more! |

| |



| 345 |

| |

| Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum. |

| |



| 346 |

| |

| There was a young man called Fisher |

| who was fishing for fish in a fissure. |

| Then a cod with a grin |

| pulled the fisherman in. |

| Now they\'re searching the fissure for Fisher. |

| |



| 347 |

| |

| Slick slim slippers sliding south. |

| |



| 348 |

| |

| The Leith police dismisseth us |

| They thought we sought to stay; |

| The Leith police dismisseth us |

| They thought we\'d stay all day. |

| The Leith police dismisseth us, |

| We both sighed sighs apiece; |

| And the sighs that we sighed as we said goodbye |

| Were the size of the Leith police. |

| |



| 349 |

| |

| Ah shucks, six stick shifts stuck shut! |

| |



| 350 |

| |

| Meter maid Mary married manly Matthew Marcus Mayo, |

| a moody male mailman moving mostly metered mail. |

| |



| 351 |

| |

| The king would sing, about a ring that would go ding. |

| |



| 352 |

| |

| How much dough would Bob Dole dole |

| if Bob Dole could dole dough? |

| Bob Dole would dole as much dough |

| as Bob Dole could dole, |

| if Bob Dole could dole dough. |

| |



| 353 |

| |

| People pledging plenty of pennies. |

| |



| 354 |

| |

| Mares eat oats and does eat oats, but little lambs eat ivy. |

| |

| From a pre-war English music-hall song. |



| 355 |

| |

| To begin to toboggan first, buy a toboggan. |

| But do not buy too big a toboggan! |

| Too big a toboggan is too big a toboggan to buy to begin to toboggan. |

| |



| 356 |

| |

| Courtney Dworkin |

| |

| personal name |



| 357 |

| |

| Switch watch, wrist watch. |

| |



| 358 |

| |

| Six thick thistle sticks. |

| |



| 359 |

| |

| Black bug\'s blood |

| |



| 360 |

| |

| Moses supposes his toeses are roses, |

| but Moses supposes erroneously. |

| For Moses, he knowses his toeses aren\'t roses, |

| as Moses supposes his toeses to be. |

| |

| Donald O\'Connor and Gene Kelly in \"\"Singing in the rain\"\" |



| 361 |

| |

| I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. |

| |



| 362 |

| |

| She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are |

| seashore seashells. |

| |



| 363 |

| |

| Irish wristwatch |

| |



| 364 |

| |

| She had shoulder surgery. |

| |



| 365 |

| |

| To put a pipe in byte mode, type PIPE_TYPE_BYTE. |

| |

| from the Visual C++ help file. |



| 366 |

| |

| Three Tree Turtles |

| |

| Three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters. |

| If three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters, |

| where\'s the twisters the three tree turtles talked? |

| |



| 367 |

| |

| My Friend Gladys |

| |

| Oh, the sadness of her sadness when she\'s sad. |

| Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she\'s glad. |

| But the sadness of her sadness, |

| and the gladness of her gladness, |

| Are nothing like her madness when she\'s mad! |

| |



| 368 |

| |

| I would if I could, and if I couldn\'t, how could I? |

| You couldn\'t, unless you could, could you? |

| |

| Common school kids nonsense, circa 1910 |



| 369 |

| |

| real rear wheel |

| |



| 370 |

| |

| Give me the gift of a grip-top sock, |

| A clip drape shipshape tip top sock. |

| Not your spinslick slapstick slipshod stock, |

| But a plastic, elastic grip-top sock. |

| None of your fantastic slack swap slop |

| From a slap dash flash cash haberdash shop. |

| Not a knick knack knitlock knockneed knickerbocker sock |

| With a mock-shot blob-mottled trick-ticker top clock. |

| Not a supersheet seersucker rucksack sock, |

| Not a spot-speckled frog-freckled cheap sheik\'s sock |

| Off a hodge-podge moss-blotched scotch-botched block. |

| Nothing slipshod drip drop flip flop or glip glop |

| Tip me to a tip top grip top sock. |

| |

| articulation warmup for actors |



| 371 |

| |

| National Sheepshire Sheep Association |

| |



| 372 |

| |

| The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver. |

| |



| 373 |

| |

| The little red lorry went down Limuru road. |

| |

| Limuru (Lee-moo-roo) road is a the name of a road in Kenya. |



| 374 |

| |

| Flies fly but a fly flies. |

| |



| 375 |

| |

| Did Doug dig Dick\'s garden or did Dick dig Doug\'s garden? |

| |

| by Paul Davies |



| 376 |

| |

| If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot to talk ere the tot could |

| totter, ought the Hottentot tot be taught to say ought or naught or |

| what ought to be taught \'er? |

| |



| 377 |

| |

| How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can |

| can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans. |

| |



| 378 |

| |

| Federal Express is now called FedEx. |

| When I retire I\'ll be a FedEx ex. |

| But if I\'m an officer when I retire, I\'ll be an ex Fedex Exec. |

| Then after a divorce, my ex-wife will be an ex FedEx exec\'s ex. |

| If I rejoin FedEx in time, I\'d be an ex ex FedEx exec. |

| When we remarry, my wife will be an ex ex FedEx exec\'s ex. |

| |



| 379 |

| |

| Which witch snitched the stitched switch for which the Swiss witch |

| wished? |

| |

| by Ann Clark |



| 380 |

| |

| Does this shop sport short socks with spots? |

| |



| 381 |

| |

| Customer: Do you have soothers? |

| Shopkeeper (thinking he had said \"\"scissors\"\"): No, we don\'t have |

| scissors. |

| Customer: Soothers! |

| Shopkeeper : No, we don\'t have scissors or soothers. |

| ... scissors or soothers, scissors or soothers, scissors or soothers, |

| ... |

| |

| actual conversation in a shop in Canada, recorded by Don Monson |



| 382 |

| |

| Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor\'s shop. |

| All day long he fits and tucks, |

| all day long he tucks and fits, |

| and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits, |

| and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits. |

| Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor\'s shop. |

| |



| 383 |

| |

| No need to light a night light on a light night like tonight. |

| |



| 384 |

| |

| I wish to wish, I dream to dream, I try to try, and I live to live, |

| and I\'d die to die, and I cry to cry but I dont know why. |

| |

| From a Song by Soundgarden named \"\"Somewhere\"\" composed and written by |

| Ben Shepherd |



| 385 |

| |

| My mommy makes me muffins on Mondays. |

| |

| by Tim McCauley, age 8 |



| 386 |

| |

| A real rare whale. |

| |



| 387 |

| |

| Terry Teeter, a teeter-totter teacher, taught her daughter Tara to |

| teeter-totter, but Tara Teeter didn\'t teeter-totter as Terry Teeter |

| taught her to. |

| |

| by Pierre Abbat |



| 388 |

| |

| Ken Dodd\'s dad\'s dog \'s dead. |

| |



| 389 |

| |

| I bought a bit of baking powder and baked a batch of biscuits. I |

| brought a big basket of biscuits back to the bakery and baked a basket |

| of big biscuits. Then I took the big basket of biscuits and the basket |

| of big biscuits and mixed the big biscuits with the basket of biscuits |

| that was next to the big basket and put a bunch of biscuits from the |

| basket into a biscuit mixer and brought the basket of biscuits and the |

| box of mixed biscuits and the biscuit mixer to the bakery and opened a |

| tin of sardines. |

| |

| Said to be a diction test for would-be radio announcers: To be read |

| clearly, without mistakes, in less than 20 seconds (from Coronet |

| Magazine, August 1948). |



| 390 |

| |

| Kanta is a masai girl, she can tie a tie and untie a tie, if kanta can |

| tie a tie and untie a tie, why can\'t I tie a tie and untie a tie? |

| |



| 391 |

| |

| I\'m a mother pheasant plucker. |

| I pluck mother pheasants. |

| I\'m the pleasantest mother pheasant plucker, |

| That ever plucked a mother pheasant. |

| Actually, ... |

| I\'m Not the pheasant plucker, |

| I\'m the pheasant plucker\'s son. |

| But I\'ll stay and pluck the pheasants |

| Till the pheasant plucking \'s done! |

| |



| 392 |

| |

| If you go for a gopher a gopher will go for a gopher hole. |

| |



| 393 |

| |

| Seven slick and sexy sealskin ski suits slid slowly down the slope. |

| |



| 394 |

| |

| The chief of the Leith police dismisseth us. |

| |



| 395 |

| |

| Fred Threlfall\'s thirty-five fine threads are finer threads than Fred |

| Threlfall\'s thirty-five thick threads. |

| |

| by Anthony Nichols |



| 396 |

| |

| Bug\'s black blood |

| |



| 397 |

| |

| Reed Wade Road |

| |



| 398 |

| |

| I saw Esau sitting on a seesaw. I saw Esau; he saw me. |

| |



| Rough Translations |

| |

| 2. |

| |

| Hard for PL/I compilers to understand. The key to understanding this |

| is that there is no lexical distinction between keywords (IF, THEN, |

| and ELSE) and variables, which can also be IF, THEN, and ELSE. |

| Likewise, there is no lexical distinction between testing for equality |

| (\'=\') and assignment (\'=\'). So, this means: If the variable IF is |

| equal to the variable THEN, assign the variable ELSE to the variable |

| THEN, otherwise, assign the variable IF to the variable ELSE. As with |

| many tongue twisters in natural languages, this is NOT good style. |

| |

| 106. |

| |

| Too wise you are. Too wise you be. I see you are. Too wise for me! |

| |

| 146. |

| |

| (?) |

| |

| 336. |

| |

| 397. |

| |

| name of a road in Batesville Arkansas |

| |

| Thanks |

| |

| Carol , Dennis , Karen , Michelle , Pax , Shona , Pierre Abbat, Ashley |

| Adams, Ironman Anderson, Gillian and Nancy Autton, Margarita |

| Baldemeca, Luke Ball, Nicole Ballou, Herb Bankston, Chris Barrett, |

| Toby Bartels, Terry Baumber, April Beeba, Shawna Begay, Ginny Beier, |

| Crystal Belk, Owen Bell, Anibal Bertolla Jr., John Biddle, Melissa |

| Binde, Ben Blanchard, Celia Bourreau, Caroline Bowen, David Bowser, |

| Jan Bratcher, Christoph Brezinka, Sherry Briden, Brian Buckta, Kathy |

| Budd, Wayne Butler, Emer Byrden, Wendy Callis, Carla Carcelli, Dominic |

| Carroll, Nisha Carvalho, Peter Cassidy, John Chamberlain, Yun Cheng, |

| Randal Chou, David Clothier, Kira Cole, Kay Collins, Denis Conrady, |

| Jamal Cooper, Carol Copeland, Anya Corbitt, Dianne Cotton, Spencer |

| Cox, Candis Cressall, Jennifer Criss, Frangois Crompton-Roberts, |

| Madelyn Curtis, M. R. Dallal, Chels Dava, Paul Davies, Gabrielle |

| Deland, Briana Delaney, H. L. Delgado, Ellie Depew, Meaghan Desbiens, |

| Desai Dharini, Ursula Diaz, Julia Dicum, Lesley Ann Dodd, Mark |

| Dowless, Jamie Dries, Dan Dryden, Matt Duchnowski, Valerie Duffy, |

| George Duncan, Bill Eastridge, Thomas Echols, Harold Edwards, Georg |

| Engel, Diane Estep, Robert Evans, Peggy Farnell, Tamara Fassett, |

| Rebecca Fawcett, Dan Feldman, Saul Feldman, Cesar Fernandez, Naomi |

| Fletcher, Peter Flynn, Barbara Fox, Nancy Franklin, Mike Fratto, J.D. |

| Frazer, Harald Fuessl, Jessi Fullmer, Cynthia Galivan, Tom Gallagher, |

| Nigel Garvey, Shakari Gault, Safiyah Ghazali, Rebekah Giles, Shirley |

| Gill, Alexa Gillie, Dramonte Glass, Paul Godfrey, Jillian Goetz, Mark |

| Goldin, Elizabeth Golding, Mike Gonser, Berny Goodhear, Ratnakar Gore, |

| Julie Goswick, Heather Gray, Kuyler Gresham, Kris Griffiths, Nadas |

| Grunt, Lauren Michelle Gusler, Marvin Haagsma, Rebecca Haaland, Julia |

| Hacker, Muhammad Hafiz, Dave Hall, Craig Harrop, Karl Hartman, Paul W. |

| Hartna:gel, Max Hawla, Lucy Ann Hazelet, Andree Hein, Ryk Herrmann, |

| Brenda Kay Hickman, Andre Hiyung, Clive Hoey, Gisela Hofman, Jason |

| Hogan, Diane Holly, Bob Holotnak, Jace Holton, Jens Hoppe, Chris Hunt, |

| Katrina Imburgia, Amanda Jacobs, Richard Jadaszewski, Amber Jameson, |

| Brad Johnson, Sharon Johnson, Wofford Jones, Jose Jorge Garcia, Laura |

| Joy, Gabriele Kahn, Apu Kapadia, Spencer Kapp, Malin Karlsson, Pat |

| Karnosh, Alex Katz, Clark Kelsey, Lindsey Kendrick, Rosemary Kennedy, |

| Gene Keyes, Khadijah Khan, Jan Kiezebrink, Danielle Klein, Eda Kobzan, |

| Susan Kotecki, Joe Kowalczyk, Pawel Kowalski, Nataliya Kugel, Robert |

| Kuhlemann, Catherine Kusske, Julia Lamberton, Andris Lanka, Martin |

| LaSerre, David Lasser, Sharlei Lausen, Cyndi Lee, Mei Lee, Carole |

| Leita, Martin Lipka, Carolyn Livingston, Christina Longest, Gary Lord, |

| Mykle Love, Greg Lovelace, Claudia Lynch, Nick Malone, Courtney Manas, |

| Nur Asyura Mansor, Arlene Marcas, Sophia Marea, Vic Martin, Emmanuel |

| Martins, Aleisa McCart, Tim McCauley, Janet McConnaughey, Steve |

| McFarland, Heather McGuire, Morgan Metters, Cosmas Mexis, J. Meyer, |

| Rachel Miller, Gary Mocko, Bill Momsen, Don Monson, Tim Moran, Brian |

| Morefield, Mark Morgan, Kitty Morrow, Scott and Natalia Munson, Sharon |

| Murphy, Arnold Musolf, Derek Nakata, Anna Naumova, Maidena Navratil, |

| Ed Nazarko, Claire Neil, Lirim Neziroski, Anthony Nichols, Andrea |

| Normile, Cian O\' Brien, Brendan O Se, Colleen O\'Connor, Robert |

| O\'Connor, Kristin O\'Hara, K.C. O\'Leary, Daniel Ontell, Doug Ordunio, |

| Meredith Ottoson, Kemal O:zden, Angie Palange, Nicole Palmer, Jorge |

| Pardo, Peter Parisi, Krupa Patel, Kevin Paul, Norman Perry, Jody |

| Phelps, Marlene Pico, John F. Potter, Jennifer R., Priya Rajan, Adam |

| Ramsey, David Ramsey, Angela Rangel, Jane Rauschenberg, Micah Rennels, |

| Sharon Richmond, Amber Ricker, Rob Rightmire, Carla Roach, David |

| Rodriguez, Eduardo Rodriguez, Jason Roe, Craig Rowland, Tim Roy, |

| Reiner Sahm, Eric Saindon, Adam Sampson, Leonard Sandin, Lyndsey |

| Savitt, Stuart Schleuse, Simon Schoar, Josef Schumacher, Dan Schwartz, |

| Whitney Scott, David Scriven, Debi Seft, Brenda Seher, Alapon Sen, |

| Abhimanyu Seth, Terry Shampo, Elsie Shamu, Christopher Shannon, Jesse |

| Sharrard, Bill Shore, James Shryack, Jacob Siehler, Lisyen & asiu |

| Sien, Rita Simons, Adam Smith, James Smith, Kevin Smith, Robert Smith, |

| Susan Smith, Sonja Sonier, Zdenko Sperac, Victor Spetalnick, Diane |

| Spunaugle, Prabhu Srinivas, Buddy Stacy, Craig Staley, Anita Stapen, |

| Loring Starr, Bonnie Starrett, Carol Stephenson, Timothy Stewart, |

| Jason T., Erica Tatel, Stephanie Taylor, Meg Thompson, Beth Tichborne, |

| Abdelaziz Tifouti, Andrea Tinney, Andrea Townsend, Aaron Trauger, Eric |

| Truelsen, Tore Tunold, Mandy Tye, Nick Tyree, Ivan Uemlianin, Olga |

| Uzun, Tony Valuch, Alexander Valverde, Annchen van Heerden, Tasneem |

| Vasowalla, Joseph Vespa, Caroline Villareal, Kelly Villareal, Jennifer |

| Viola, Bruce Walker, Steve Walsh, Jae Ward, Nigel Wasser, Mary Watson, |

| Graham Weeks, Briana Weinert, Raymond Weisling, Dave Wells, Rick |

| Whitaker, Livingston White, Mandy Whiteley, Ann Whittemore, Danny |

| Wier, B. Wilchowy, Richard Williams, Rui Wippel, Erin Woolls, Sergei |

| Yashumov, Chelle Yung, Barbara Zaverl, Denis Zeiler |




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